Oh how cute!!
This is an edible replica of sugar ants attacking a helpless doughnut. Cute…
Sadly the real life sugar ant is NOT so cute in my book!
I moved into my house last October and from the get-go struggled with the sugar ants in the warm phoenix weather. Once it got cold they went away and I thought my problems were solved!
They came back this summer… I did my homework this time!
Sorry ants, but you can’t stay in my kitchen.
Here’s what I learned…and did…and it worked!
Sugar ants eat sugar, sweets, and other scrap foods. Those little spills on the counter, the crumbs under the table — all fair game for those tiny creatures! So naturally, keeping a clean house is going to be your first line of defense against the ants.

2. Wipe down counter tops each night with bleach. This does double duty. It cleans up any little spill you might have over seen and it also breaks down the pheromones that ants use to follow each other to the food source.

Ok, so now we have our prevention tactics…which is where I stopped last fall, and failed. Don’t get me wrong, it is the best idea to use those techniques listed above, but in order to fully get rid of those little ants, you’ll need to initiate a war.
This is the concoction that I used:
Mix together-
1 tbsp Boric Acid
1/2 cup water
1 cup sugar
I cut off the bottom of a paper plate and placed a nice tablespoon full of the mixture on top. I then placed the plate near the corner of my cabinet where I frequently saw ants coming and going. Then I took cover! It’s a circus! Ants EVERYWHERE!! Control your urge to clean them up! It may take 24-48 hours for this to work out right.
{I found my boric acid at Walgreens in the pesticide section}
How is this going to work you ask? The Boric Acid is hidden in the sugar mix, but it is a deadly combo for the ants. It wont kill them instantly (which is what you want). The soldier ants will eat the mixture and take it back to their queen (who is the main enemy).
Once the queen is dead, it’s not too long before your rid of your little problem!
I hope that this works for you! And remember to keep a clean house afterwards to ward off any more soldier ants trying to find a new scent!
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