A Children’s Dish Towel Apron!
From the edge of the towel, fold it behind itself about 1 1/2 inches. Sew a straight line from the top of the towel to the line you drew 6 inches down. {be sure to back stitch at the bottom}
Leave a 1/2 inch allowance on all the lines.
Fold the towel behind itself again, and sew another straight line down.
Are you following me?
You can use pins if you need to hold the towel in place {I’m just lazy}.
Just keep repeating this till you reach the other side of the towel.
When you’re done, it should look like this on the back…
…and like this on the front.
On to the pockets! {what’s an apron without pockets?}
Fold the bottom of the towel on top of itself, 6 inches up.
Draw lines 6 inches in from each side to make 3 pockets. Sew the edges, and drawn lines together.
Easy peasy…
Next grab your ribbon and cut it to the length of the top of the apron {plus a little extra just in case}. Mine was 8 inches.
Pin the bottom half of the ribbon to the back side of the apron. Fold the pleats away from each other starting at the center {this helps it to lay flatter}.
Sew in place with a zig-zag stitch.
Turn the apron over.
Now you are looking at the front of the apron. Fold the other half of the ribbon over and pin in place.
Sew a straight {or in my case semi-straight} line.
Use a lighter to burn the edges of your ribbon to prevent it from fraying.
Cut two pieces of ribbon for the neck straps. Mine were 13 inches long.
Fold under the end of the ribbon, and sew in place at the top corner of the apron.
Repeat for the other side.
Lastly, cut two more pieces of ribbon for the side straps. Mine were 20 inches long.
Measure 9 1/2 inches up from the bottom, attach with a pin and sew in place.
Repeat for the other side.
Watch out, she’s ready to do your dirty work!
This is Girl #1 {age rank…not love rank}, she’s my big helper. I made an apron for Boy #1 too, but he was not “in the mood.”
However…. Girl #2 is always willing to help out!
I hope that was easy to follow!
Let me know if you need me to clarify anything for ya!
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erin, maker of chimes
I'm a little late in admiring your work, but I found it on Pinterest today. Very creative! Can't wait to try it myself 🙂
am going to walmart tomorrow to get some towels to make these for my grandkids (hopefully i can find a "boyish" enough towel to make for robert too). thanks for all your ideas!!!!
mr. and mrs.
Wow! How cool is that! I kinda want one… ;] Beautifully made too!